SMKTOP > CSR > E - Environmental Management


Environmental Management

SMK Environmental Charter

Basic Philosophy

The SMK Group pursues environmental conservation as well as economic development by integrating its current technological strengths and creating advanced technology. As a good corporate citizen, every one of us will contribute to the promotion of sustainable global development.

Action Guidelines
1. Establish an internal system to promote environmental conservation activities, establish and periodically review environmental targets, and promote continuous improvement to achieve the targets.
2. Aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in our business activities.
3. Develop environmentally-friendly products (energy- and resource-saving, reduction of environmentally hazardous substances, etc.).
4. Aim to minimize the environmental impact caused by procurement and production activities.
5. Aim to reduce waste through efficient use of resources, promotion of reuse and recycling, and other resource recycling efforts.
6. Promote business activities that consider the relationship with water resources and biodiversity.
7. Comply with the laws, regulations, agreements, etc. of the countries and regions where the SMK Group is located.
8. Conduct environmental education and awareness activities to raise employees' environmental awareness and promote environmental conservation activities.
ISSUED :March 1995
REVISED : July 2024

Organization to Promote Environmental Conservation

The Environmental Conservation Committee is established under the "CSR/ Sustainability Committee", a meeting body for comprehensive deliberation, coordination, and promotion of company-wide issues related to CSR, business continuity, and risk management. The Environmental Conservation Committee is chaired by Director and Executive Deputy President (also responsible for Environmental Div.), and consists of representatives from business units, production sites, and other related divisions. The Environmental Conservation Committee manages the environmental conservation activities of the entire Group and determines activity policies and indicators. Important matters are discussed and approved by the Board of Directors meeting and the Executive Officer's Meeting through the CSR / Sustainability Committee.
Each business site in Japan and overseas determines its own policies, etc., incorporating issues specific to the SMK Group's policies, at the business site environmental preservation committees, and implements activities accordingly.

Environmental Management Systems

SMK’s environmental management systems are in accordance with ISO 14001, the international standard for EMS. SMK have obtained ISO 14001 certification for all of our Japan sites and overseas works.
The Environmental Conservation Committee shares information on revisions to laws and regulations pertaining to each business site and checks the status of compliance with laws and regulations and the existence of accidents related to the environment or ecosystems.
In the 2023 financial year, there were no violations of environment-related laws or fines in the SMK Group.

ISO 14001 Certified Sites

SMK request that our business partners environmental conservation activities in accordance with our Green Procurement Guidelines. Specifically, SMK ask them to promise not to use environmentally hazardous substances prohibited by SMK and to establish a system based on ISO14001. For those our business partners that have not obtained ISO 14001 certification, we visit them to check the status of their environmental conservation activities and provide guidance for improvement as necessary.